Unlimited Resources
Instantly boost your Vault's resources with ease, allowing you to acquire caps, energy, food, and water whenever needed. Tailor your gameplay experience by customizing the amounts you receive and enjoy an uninterrupted adventure in the Wasteland.
No longer worry about running low on essential supplies. With the ability to generate infinite caps, food, energy, and water, you can focus on creating a thriving underground community instead of constantly searching for resources.
Select the exact amount of caps, energy, food, and water you want. Whether it's a modest boost or a significant increase, you have the flexibility to customize your resources, empowering your unique playing style.
Transform your gameplay by taking control of resource management. Easily give your Vault a competitive edge over other players and elevate your enjoyment of this beloved simulation experience.
Instantly give yourself a specified amount of resources. This includes caps, energy, food and water.
The amount of caps to give.
Give the specified amount of caps.
The amount of energy to give.
Give the specified amount of energy.
The amount of food to give.
Give the specified amount of food.
The amount of water to give.
Give the specified amount of water.