Give Cash
Enhance your experience in Garbage by instantly acquiring cash with just a click. Customize the amount you want, removing the grind and instantly boosting your gameplay.
Imagine not having to worry about finding resources or managing cash. With this mod, you can generate the exact amount of money you need instantly, allowing you to focus on exploring the humorous challenges in the game.
With a user-friendly interface, you can specify any amount between 1 and 100,000 cash. Tailor your financial strategy to suit your style of play and ensure that you have enough funds to tackle all challenges thrown your way.
Say goodbye to the tedious grind for resources! This mod allows you to bypass the complexities of resource gathering, letting you enjoy the comical aspects of homelessness depicted in the game without unnecessary limitations.
Instantly give yourself a specified amount of cash
The amount of cash to give.
Give the specified amount of cash.