No Clip

About the No Clip mod

Experience the thrill of effortless exploration in Risk of Rain 2 by flying through obstacles and uncovering secrets at breathtaking speeds. Adjust your height and speed to navigate the expansive game world like never before.

Unleash Your Inner Explorer

Transform your gameplay by soaring above the landscape and diving into hidden nooks of the Risk of Rain 2 universe. Flying around the map opens up a world of exploration, allowing you to find secrets that were previously out of reach.

Move at Your Own Pace

Adjust your speed and height on the fly to customize your exploration journey. Whether you prefer a leisurely dive through the game world or a high-speed race to your next destination, this feature adapts to your play style.

Redefine Your Adventure

With the ability to traverse walls and solid objects, you can redefine your adventure in Risk of Rain 2. Discover nature's hidden treasures and learn how to master the environment in ways you never imagined.

Extra Details

No clip allows you to fly around through walls and go pretty much anywhere at super fast speeds. Explore the map and make new discoveries. Hold left control to lower your height or space to increase your height. Holding shift will increase your speed, which sometimes helps to get through walls.

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