Museum Artifact Unlocker
Unlock and find all artifacts in the museum instantly, allowing you to explore a fully completed museum in Wobbly Life. Say goodbye to the grind and hello to endless fun as you unveil every treasure the museum has to offer with just a click.
Why wander through the museum trying to complete tedious tasks when you can unlock every museum artifact instantly? With this mod, you can dive straight into the fun and explore everything the museum has to offer without any restrictions.
By unlocking all the artifacts in the museum instantly, you can dedicate more time to the exciting world of Wobbly Life. Shift your focus from collecting items to enjoying the various dynamic toys and minigames available throughout the island.
Unlocking all artifacts brings the entire museum to life, transforming it into a vibrant playground for you and your friends. Gather together and make the most of every beautifully designed exhibit, creating memories that will last during your adventures in Wobbly Life.
Unlock and find all of the artifacts in the museum instantly. Explore a fully completed museum.
Instantly unlock all the artifacts in the museum.